Greater Toronto Movies

The Notebook

The Notebook

Score: 9 / 10

Release Date: June 25, 2004
Director: Nick Cassavetes
Producer: Lynn Harris, Mark Johnson
Studio: Alliance Films
Starring: James Garner, Joan Allen, Gena Rowlands, Sam Shepard, Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 123 minutes

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The Notebook movie reviews

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, August 3, 2004 4:28:18 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    AMMMAAAZZING!! ryan is sooo hot! cant wait to buy it!

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:24:26 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    THE NOTEBOOK is the best film of 2004!!! without a doubt!! Ryan Gosling is GORGEOUS!!!!

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, August 3, 2004 1:08:05 AM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    omg i LOVE this movie, i cant wait for it to come out on dvd im gonna buy it and watch it everyday! cutest/saddest movie ever!!!

  • The Notebook

    Monday, August 2, 2004 10:58:27 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    O My God... this movie , was the best love story I have seen in years... Ever since I saw the previews for this, I have have been longing to see it, and when I did..I was satisfied completely,It was everying, if not more, that I expected it to be. The characters were drawn out beautifully, I could really feel the chemistry between the two lead actors,"Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, they played the parts of Noah and Ally perfectly in my oppinion. Anyway.. this movie is not just a chick flick either, I brought my boyfriend to go with me, and he enjoyed it too, he didn`t cry mind you, like I did, but he thought it was a great love sto

  • The Notebook

    Monday, August 2, 2004 8:48:52 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    This movie made me cry so much. I didnt even want to see is. My best friend forced me to. And i LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH. Its hard to find true love like that. And its hard to find guys like that in real life. Too bad its not like that in reality. The leading actor and actress are C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N! im sooo proud. Ryan gosling used to play in Breaker High. Its a tv show. I used to watch it allll the time. He also played in herculez on tv series. I used to watch it also. And now he made his way in Hollywood. I wish him the VERY best. And the leading girl that is also canadian. I think she played her role VERY well. And WOW what a transformation from

  • The Notebook

    Monday, August 2, 2004 2:12:24 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    This movie was awesome!!!! I`m sure glad there are some wonderful canadian celebs in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The Notebook

    Monday, August 2, 2004 12:45:01 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    There is nothing surprising or unpredictable about this film... but it was truly a wonderful movie. I thought Ryan Gosling did an amazing job - he fit the role perfectly (especially since I`m only accustomed to seeing him on YTV`s Breaker High and Hercules, lol); Rachel McAdam`s was great as well. I wasn`t too thrilled when the storyline shifted to the older couple though, it would have been best to extend scenes between the younger lovers. Other than that, it was an emotional, heartwarming film that makes you believe in love. Can`t wait til it comes out on DVD!

  • The Notebook

    Sunday, August 1, 2004 9:20:25 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have perfect chemistry. I cried so hard because it was such an effective movie. Loved it to bits! The duck/boat scene was beautiful and made me so happy!!!

  • The Notebook

    Sunday, August 1, 2004 7:00:11 PM | (age group: 35–49) | F


  • The Notebook

    Sunday, August 1, 2004 6:44:57 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    amazing..cried alot!