Greater Toronto Movies

The Notebook

The Notebook

Score: 9 / 10

Release Date: June 25, 2004
Director: Nick Cassavetes
Producer: Lynn Harris, Mark Johnson
Studio: Alliance Films
Starring: James Garner, Joan Allen, Gena Rowlands, Sam Shepard, Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 123 minutes

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The Notebook movie reviews

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 2:07:23 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    I laughed i cryed and but mostly cryed it was great

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:27:42 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    The Notebook was so wonderful. It made me think of times when you shoudn`t care about money and care about love. Ryan and Rachel loook perfect together. And rachel you looked very pretty in that style of clothing. Ryan your a very talented actor and you look great in those clothes that you wore. All the luck with your acting careers!

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:27:42 PM | (age group: 25-34) | F

    I thought it was better than the book

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:16:19 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    A love story that will make you bawl your eyes out. And your guy will be there to hold ya!

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:12:27 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    its so saddest story ever! its so awmsume, i just love it so much! i cant wait to see the movie.....

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:10:36 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    it was awesome

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:07:51 PM | (age group: 25-34) | F

    Can`t wait to see it again, and again. Will definately buy the DVD. Cried from start to finish. Will read the book now that I`ve seen the movie. If only `real` life was like that.

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:04:12 PM | (age group: 35–49) | F

    My boyfriend and I went last night on our second date to see this film. He was the only guy in the movie theatre. I cried buckets but he held my hand and cuddled me a lot and all the women and girls afterwards were bawling too. They told him he was a brave guy to come see it but he really enjoyed it too. It gave me an insight into how romantic he really is and how sensitive too. Five stars to all the actors.

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 12:41:04 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    the movie not only was a beautiful love story, but somthing that i think most couples can relate to. at one time or another all couples run into turbulence relating to their relationship, whether it be from friends or family. also the movie portrays aly and noah in a type of love that everyone can relate to. they fight and call each other names, not like other couples in movies that are always gazing lovingly into each others eyes with never a mean word. this movie captures the real strength and beauty of love, with all its ups and downs. and how strong the bond between two souls can be. thoes who are lucky enough to discover this kind of lov

  • The Notebook

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 12:28:34 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    I read the book twice and saw the movie and loved it!