Whitby Movies



Score: 9 / 10

Release Date: May 3, 2002
Director: Sam Raimi
Producer: Ian Bryce, Laura Ziskin
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, Rosemary Harris, J.K. Simmons, Elizabeth Banks, Ted Raimi, Octavia Spencer, Jack Betts, Ron Perkins
Genre: Action
Running Time: 121 minutes

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Spider-Man movie reviews

  • Spider-Man

    Monday, June 10, 2002 7:24:38 PM | (age group: 35–49) | M

    Can`t wait for the next Spiderman!!!!!!!

  • Spider-Man

    Monday, June 10, 2002 3:44:45 PM | (age group: 2-17) | M

    I think that Spider-Man is a great movie, I wish I was Peter Parker so I can climb on walls and be a super-hero. Or I wish I wanted to be Tobey Maguire so I can kiss Kirsten Dunst and be a celebrity. I rate Spider-Man 9.5

  • Spider-Man

    Monday, June 10, 2002 3:28:45 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Good start to a great series of films to come.

  • Spider-Man

    Sunday, June 9, 2002 10:14:52 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    I thought that spider-man was the best movie in a very long time so thank you for the best movie in the world. Luv baby J

  • Spider-Man

    Sunday, June 9, 2002 5:48:26 PM | (age group: 2-17) | M

    Spider-Man Was the best movie i have seen in a long time!

  • Spider-Man

    Sunday, June 9, 2002 3:59:15 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    he`s no superman

  • Spider-Man

    Sunday, June 9, 2002 3:26:03 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    It was the sweetest movie.

  • Spider-Man

    Sunday, June 9, 2002 1:22:07 PM | (age group: 35–49) | F

    This is a very well done movie. Great special effects, and a good story line. I especially enjoyed the first half where Peter Parker is learning how to use his spider-powers. Very funny! Tobey Maguire makes a good Peter/Spiderman. He gives the part of the geeky underdog a believability that someone like Tom Cruise or Keanue Reeves couldn`t.

  • Spider-Man

    Sunday, June 9, 2002 12:41:20 PM | (age group: 25-34) | M


  • Spider-Man

    Sunday, June 9, 2002 9:13:23 AM | (age group: 18-24) | M

    Because its the beat show i saw.