toronto Movies

Civil War

Civil War

Score: 5.38 / 10

Release Date: May 24, 2024
Director: Alex Garland
Producer: Allon Reich, Andrew Macdonald, Gregory Goodman
Studio: Elevation Pictures
Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons, Nick Offerman, Wagner Moura, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Cailee Spaeny
Genre: Action
Running Time: 109 minutes

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Civil War movie reviews

  • 4

    Civil War

    Sunday, June 30, 2024 7:17:10 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    I can't decide if the producers hate liberals, or conservatives, because they make both of them look like idiots. For the main characters in the movie, you just dislike every one of them and if they die or get shot, I cheer. Trying to thread a line and subtly trying to make it look like Trump would be a dictator is ridiculous and now I see it obvious, it's liberal psyops Joseph Goebbels propaganda stuff.

  • 4

    Civil War

    Wednesday, June 26, 2024 12:00:59 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    So many great stories out there to be told and this is not one of them. Not terrible, but not worth watching either. It simply has nothing to say. Forgettable. The only scenes worth watching are the pseudo-militias determining who lives and who dies...for no particular rational reason. Spooky. Those are the ones that resonate. Otherwise, a much ado about nothing effort by the director and a boutique does-what-it-wants-when-it-wants studio. Underwhelming story that was supposed to tell the journalists side, and it kind of does a bit, but its not strong. Ultimately, it says little about nothing. Too bad!

  • 2

    Civil War

    Sunday, May 26, 2024 7:01:07 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    An example of why Americans better get informed and perform their civic duty this November. DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY! The most divisive movie since the McCarthy trials in the 50’s. So disappointed in myself for being duped into watching this!

  • 9

    Civil War

    Saturday, May 18, 2024 10:37:07 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Right now we have a corrupt president and government and in the end we the people win the war. Great job with the movie and it’s a must see.

  • 10

    Civil War

    Thursday, May 16, 2024 8:13:29 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    People can't take it when violence is more realistic and not fun. This isn't Transformers.

  • 1

    Civil War

    Wednesday, May 15, 2024 10:57:26 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Ya very divisive movie It was cruel heartless like Americans killing Americans thats very dark and disturbing, Worst movie of the year

  • 1

    Civil War

    Monday, May 13, 2024 11:42:16 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    The story is political no matter what they say. Journalists are not the heroes in real life and they aren't heroes in the movie. Very callous and agenda motivated individuals. There are a few shock scenes but most of it is far from what a real war would look like. I saw it, so I could either praise it or criticize it and as a war veteran I give it thumbs down. You have no back story on why there is a war except that the president has done what some news people say DJT will do if elected. So obviously it's political and he's the guy the journalists don't like. Go figure. It should be a multiverse movie because only there would Texas join forces with California.

  • 2

    Civil War

    Sunday, May 12, 2024 9:24:25 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Put me to sleep. Left theatre at 45 minutes into movie.

  • 9

    Civil War

    Tuesday, May 7, 2024 7:59:01 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    This is one of the best war movies I've ever seen! It certainly is the one that feels closest to home, vs WWII or any other historic war movie. To all the low IQ people giving it 1 star because the movie doesn't explain all of the details about who is who and why the war started, etc, THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! War DOESN'T make sense! During a war, people don't know what exactly is happening outside of snippets capture through photos or video clips, accompanied by whatever narrative the side they're hearing from wants to push. This movie is a WARNING! And an excellent one at that. War is not glorious. Everyone loses. If you want your typical good guy vs bad guy James Bond style nonsense, this movie IS NOT it. The one thing I didn't like is the young reporter using film rather than digital. I'd dock a star for that, but I'm giving this visceral film 5 stars to counter the fake and/or misguided 1 star reviews writen by folks that are too shallow to understand a film like this. If you're politically motivared, this movie won't give you the satisfaction of confirming your "us good, others bad" bias. This is probably what some trump supporters are looking for and giving unwaranted 1 star reviews as a result of not finding it here.

  • 2

    Civil War

    Monday, May 6, 2024 5:24:45 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    This could have been a good movie lacked any story line. The movie was a flop in my opinion. I was excited to see this from the preview. But it was a Hugh disappointment.