lethbridge Movies



Score: 8.32 / 10

Release Date: October 24, 2014 - Toronto, Vancouver
October 31 - Montreal
Director: Damien Chazelle
Producer: David Lancaster, Helen Estabrook, Jason Blum, Michel Litvak
Studio: Mongrel Media
Starring: Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, Paul Reiser, Nate Lang, Damon Gupton, Suanne Spoke, Charlie Ian
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 105 minutes

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Whiplash movie reviews

  • 9


    Friday, November 14, 2014 2:28:06 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    This is a fantastic movie that depicts the intense drive and commitment it takes for the main character, Andrew Neyman, to succeed as the core drummer in a prestigious jazz band. Miles Teller and JK Simmons are riveting!!

  • 9


    Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:47:07 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Saw this at TIFF, fabulously entertaining, very well done, thunderous applause as we lept to out feet on the final note.