Friday, September 20, 2024 11:58:49 AM | (Age Not Specified)
Was a good movie, like others said, if you want a movie to watch through rose colored glasses. I lived through the administrations of Reagan and everyone knew, and accepted, that by the last years of his second term he was dealing with dementia issues. Nancy tried to hide it from public view and others in his administration protected him. Nevertheless, he had respect for the office he held and although not all of the policies he promoted were beneficial to all his constituents he was respected here and abroad. To the reviewer who is asking how our country got so bad in the last 30 years I disagree, I say it got bad only since the most corrupt, immoral, racist, felon conned the masses ever since he rode down his golden escalator ! HE has no respect for our Constitution or the office of POTUS, only hopes to stay out of prison. HE is no Reagan.