Joliette Movies

L'exorciste du pape

L'exorciste du pape

Score: 6 / 10

Director: Julius Avery
Studio: Sony Pictures Entertainment
Starring: Russell Crowe, Franco Nero, Daniel Zovatto, Laurel Marsden, Peter DeSouza-Feighoney, Paloma Bloyd
Running Time: 103 minutes

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L'exorciste du pape movie reviews

  • 6

    L'exorciste du pape

    Saturday, April 15, 2023 7:17:49 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    To access to the crypt he uses a rope and his scooter!!! to pull a ciment cover of at least 1000 pounds!!!! Not serious….. -Second, his helper confidence for ecorcist begin like a fawn and finish like « Thor »….too much too fast -russel crow is really good in his exorcist authority from the vatican but unfortunately the script is missing something….i think is the way it is delivered in some jokes beside death???