Greater Montreal Movies

Carol Doda Topless at the Condor

Carol Doda Topless at the Condor

Score: 7 / 10

Release Date: Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal
Director: Marlo McKenzie
Producer: Lars Ulrich
Studio: The Impact Series
Genre: Documentary
Running Time: 100 minutes

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Carol Doda Topless at the Condor movie reviews

  • 7

    Carol Doda Topless at the Condor

    Thursday, March 28, 2024 10:17:25 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    The doc was a good time capsule of what was going on in the country at the time besides being a story of Carol's life. I was actually IN Carol's night club act in both SF and LA; I was on the right side! Howard Parker, our Director, gave her a good act including "Good Ship Lollipop" with tap dancing! The left side was either Jerry Clark("Oh, Calcutta!")in SF or Mark Whitaker(Ann-Margret's Act) in LA. My love to you, Carol.