Greater Montr�al Movies

Shelter in Solitude

Shelter in Solitude

Score: 10 / 10

Director: Vibeke Muasya
Starring: Robert Patrick, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, Siobhan Fallon Hogan
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 93 minutes

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Shelter in Solitude movie reviews

  • 10

    Shelter in Solitude

    Wednesday, October 18, 2023 3:42:59 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Siobhan Fallon Hogan hits it out of the park as Val. A tremendous performance by a character actress that you've seen a million times. I think that she also wrote the script. Great job! I laughed and I teared up.

  • 10

    Shelter in Solitude

    Friday, October 6, 2023 12:22:41 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Hilarious film must see very heart warming perfect for fall

  • 10

    Shelter in Solitude

    Monday, October 2, 2023 9:20:02 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    This movie is hilarious, tragic and triumphant at the same time. It is well written with Oscar worthy performances by Siobhan Fallon Hogan and Peter Macon. The power of the film stayed with me for days. this is the best movie I've seen all year. Peter Hogan is so funny.