Greater Montr�al Movies

Mafia Mamma

Mafia Mamma

Score: 6 / 10

Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Producer: Amanda Sthers, Christopher Simon, Toni Collette
Studio: levelFILM
Starring: Toni Collette, Monica Bellucci, Rob Huebel, Alfonso Perugini, Giulio Corso, Yonv Joseph
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 101 minutes

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Mafia Mamma movie reviews

  • 10

    Mafia Mamma

    Monday, April 3, 2023 9:17:34 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    So, firstly I saw this when Regal theater had their Mystery Monday showing. I wasn't expecting much. Was a bit worried it would be corny but I was pleasantly surprised. It was really funny. I am someone who doesn't laugh out loud a lot at comedies but I laughed a lot at this. I related sooo much to the main character. So much so my sister and brother-in-law laughed because it reminded them of me. Would definitely watch again.