Whitby Movies

Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2

Score: 7.63 / 10

Release Date: June 30, 2004
Director: Sam Raimi
Producer: Avi Arad, Laura Ziskin
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Alfred Molina, Rosemary Harris, Donna Murphy, J.K. Simmons, Willem Dafoe, Ted Raimi, Dylan Baker
Genre: Action
Running Time: 128 minutes

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Spider-Man 2 movie reviews

  • Spider-Man 2

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 4:48:26 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Captivant, Émouvant, Drôle, et Romantique, ce film fantastique nous fait passer par tout une gamme d`émotions. Tout simplement génial! De loin préférable au premier. Dans mes top 5! Ce qui en fait un si bon film est qu`il convient à tous les publics puisqu`il contient de tout.. Les points de vue son à couper le souffle et encore une fois, Tobey nous épate par son talent grandiose.. autant que Kirsten par sa si pure beauté.

  • Spider-Man 2

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 4:19:27 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    Awesome man! story was way better than the first and the fitting was good. Nice `rides up in the crotch` line. Way to go Tobey it was very well done...Did Awesome!

  • Spider-Man 2

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 10:27:36 AM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    IT was soo cool:)

  • Spider-Man 2

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 9:07:08 AM | (age group: 2-17) | M

    spidey rulez! graphics were awesome, action was amazing! looking forward till May 2007 for spidey 3.

  • Spider-Man 2

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 4:38:18 AM | (age group: 2-17) | M

    i thought it was great! way better then the 1st one. it had just enough drama between mary jane and peter and the action was crazy. Dr. Ock was made great and i loved how they made the arms soo real. and the best part was when he finnally revealed himself to mary jane.

  • Spider-Man 2

    Tuesday, July 6, 2004 12:43:07 AM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    OMG..... I watched the first spiderman and almost fell asleep. When the trailer of spider2 came out, I thought this movie would be at least interesting. To my big disappointment, this movie SUCKS SO MUCH!!! Only the 8 legged monster worth the $$$. I can`t believe the man sitting in front of me was crying during the "I am spiderman no more" part. Good, no more please, why do they even bother to make spiderman3?!!! This movie is ridiculous. The damn trailer cheated my hard earned $$$!!! Spiderman3 can goto hell, BORING!!!

  • Spider-Man 2

    Monday, July 5, 2004 11:48:45 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    I really liked the first one, but was VERY disapointed by the second. So many of the scenes were pointless, and Kirsten Dunst acts like a floosy the whole time, half the time she just stands there screaming. She looks like she`s stoned most of the time. Also, the ending, where Henry Osborne finds the room with all of his Dad`s\the Green Goblin`s stuff, you would think that he would realise that Spider-Man had to stop him, but it`s obvious that he will go evil and become the new Green Goblin in the 3rd Spider-Man movie. Personally, I really hope that it`s better than the second one, and I have no clue why it has been getting such good revi

  • Spider-Man 2

    Monday, July 5, 2004 11:07:18 PM | (Age Not Specified) | F

    Loved it! I was a kid when the original Spiderman cartoon was on and I loved Spiderman back then. I love him even more on the big screen. Really well done and I liked the storyline too. He is so much more than just a superhero! Terrific movie.

  • Spider-Man 2

    Monday, July 5, 2004 11:04:07 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    The happy ending is contrary to what Aunt May says in the movie. Parker doesn`t have to give up the thing he wants the most while being a hero. If the prince and the princess are going to live happily ever after, then the following sequels are going to be stink.

  • Spider-Man 2

    Monday, July 5, 2004 11:00:51 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    Much better than the first one! There was way more action and that`s what movies need today is action. The only problem with Spiderman 2 was that there needed to be more romance in the storyline - between Mj and Peter. But I love it none the less!