Waterloo Movies

Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow

Score: 7.45 / 10

Release Date: June 6, 2014
Director: Doug Liman
Producer: Erwin Stoff, Gregory Jacobs, Jason Hoffs, Jeffrey Silver, Tom Lassally
Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
Starring: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson, Jonas Armstrong, Tony Way, Kick Gurry, Franz Drameh, Dragomir Mrsic, Charlotte Riley, Madeleine Mantock
Genre: Action
Running Time: 113 minutes

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Edge of Tomorrow movie reviews

  • 7

    Edge of Tomorrow

    Thursday, May 22, 2014 2:33:35 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    the movie was not at all as expected- Contrary to all the movies about aliens this one actually has a good story - something we seen before with Groundhog day - but then again so different. The actors are very believable and a bit of humor in there made it enjoyable to watch. I don't know if Tom Cruise did all the stunts but it was very entertaining.