Tuesday, October 15, 2024 9:58:59 PM | (Age Not Specified)
I thought it was brilliant. Very well done and acted. Great story line. The "musical" aspect was not in any way hokey. And then... the end. Wtf? It was so confusing I had to go home and look up an explanation for what I knew I must have missed. What I learned kept this movie in the brilliant category but they really blew it. The message at the end was done so subtly that it seems almost everyone else missed it too. Hence, the bad reviews it is receiving. I can easily think how they could have made the ending more clear so everyone would understand it. Too late now though. What a shame. Do they not have screenings before they release big features like this one. How could they blow it so badly?
Thursday, October 10, 2024 4:18:43 PM | (Age Not Specified)
I thought this film was brilliant. Both Joaquin Phoenix and Lady GaGa were perfect in their roles. I really don't understand the negativity being dished out - did everyone just want wall-to-wall violence? Because there is quite a bit of that for them to enjoy, along with the clearly underappreciated music. I wish Todd Phillips and everyone associated did not have to listen to their work being bashed so relentlessly, when it is truly a work of art.