Kanata Movies

Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3

Score: 7.88 / 10

Release Date: May 4, 2007
Director: Sam Raimi
Producer: Avi Arad, Grant Curtis, Laura Ziskin
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Thomas Haden Church, Topher Grace, Bryce Dallas Howard, James Cromwell, Rosemary Harris, J.K. Simmons, Dylan Baker
Genre: Action
Running Time: 140 minutes

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Spider-Man 3 movie reviews

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 8:50:55 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    By far the worst of the three. I love spiderman and I kind of think that number 3 ruined the trilogy they totally turned peter parker Emo! All the eyeliner and make AND the hairs. was sick. The audience LAUGHED at the sad parts. Seriously, thats bad. And who knows what was with the whole singing dancing routine in the middle? I am embarassed for the producers. But I'm not going to say the entire movie was horrible. The was good parts of course Like the whole plot was really good. I actually loved the story line. And i am a fan of romance so I quite liked that. Just the acting was bad. Terrible actually. BUT WAY TOO CORNY

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 6:48:01 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Guess,we shouldn't be listening to all those critics and negative reviews!Spidey 3 was AWESOME! The CGI for Sandman blew our heads off - it made the comic book version COME ALIVE! A lotta people were saying Toby was all EMO and crying every other scene.Or Kirsten was a drag.Or they wanted more action.Or too long.What the fudge were they talkin' about? Were you watching the same movie? We liked it so much-we're seeing it again TONIGHT! Yeah-and again on the giant IMAX screen,but with more food this time,LOL! We all felt like kids again but all agreed it wasn't long enough especially for VENOM's fight scenes with webhead! But,Sandman was REALLY AWESOME! I had the same reaction when i

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 6:47:03 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    The worst of the trilogy. Story was poorly written, not enough character development and screen time for all the villians. Part 1 and 2 worked because Sam Raimi focused on one villian instead of 3. The dance sequence wasn't needed and there wasn't enough real emotion involved, to much fake crying and not enough relation. Sam Raimi should have focused on either Sandman or Venom instead of trying to work them both into this picture, if they saved Venom for part 4 or Sandman it would have worked much better. They need to hire a new director/cast and crew to keep things fresh. 2/5.

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 6:40:37 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    i dont know wht u people r saying its following the comic book i give it 5 stars

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 6:29:17 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    I really like the movie it was great had some new charactors which makes it more interesting i hope they make a 4th

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 6:07:07 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Spiderman is Emo so, he cries! sandman cries, venom cries, green goblin cries, aunt may cries, Mary Jane cries. Everyone cries. If you want to see a crying flick, go and see this one. Even better, go and watch a bunch of Emo kids talking about how much they hate their lives. Just as entertaining as this movie!

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 5:52:10 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Think Spiderman meets Bridges of Madison County meets Beaches meets any other cry-fest... Wait for DVD.

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 5:11:25 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    people who r saying spiderman is bad because of the whole love story dont know any thing about spiderman. all 3 movies have a love story behind them and its about a kid and his life they try to make the movie relate to people as much as possible exsept for they fact we dont have super powers. in the end i think the movie was amazing and there were alot of sick action parts.

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 4:22:29 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    I'm a big KD admirer...and I still think it sucked. Spiderman = Action movie..."The Notebook" = Love story. Stick with the genre...and thank god, I hope they don't make another re-tread of #3.

  • Spider-Man 3

    Monday, May 7, 2007 4:14:22 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    I found the movie dragged in places and didn't have the same fast passed thrill as the first two installments. Kind of a disappointment!