Guelph Movies

Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge

Score: 8.96 / 10

Release Date: November 4, 2016
Director: Mel Gibson
Producer: Bill Mechanic, Brian Oliver, Bruce Davey, David Permut, Terry Benedict, Tyler Thompson, William Mechanic, William D. Johnson
Studio: Elevation Pictures
Starring: Teresa Palmer, Sam Worthington, Vince Vaughn, Andrew Garfield, Luke Bracey, Hugo Weaving, Rachel Griffiths, Richard Roxburgh, Matt Nable, Ryan Corr, Richard Pyros, Firass Dirani, Nico Cortez, Michael Sheasby, Jacob Warner, Harry Greenwood, Damien Thomlinson, Nathaniel Buzolic
Running Time: 131 minutes

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Hacksaw Ridge movie reviews

  • 9

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:59:25 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    One of the best war movie I've ever seen...It's a must see !

  • 2

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Tuesday, December 13, 2016 1:59:09 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    o stars. reviewers here keep saying "we owe it to our brave young..." blah, blah, blah...Well the fact is these people who went to war, a lot of them, were either drafted, unemployed or victims of propaganda. EVERY vet I've ever talked to from this time says the same thing "I wish I hadn't gone...war is hell...what a waste...wish I had my LEGS" All these people watching this don't realize that it is subtle manipulative propaganda getting the populace ready for another conflict...go ahead then, like this, but I WANT YOU to be the first in line when the call comes up, otherwise, shut your cake holes and just accept what other media experts are saying about this movie. It is modern propaganda...or better yet, go watch a Communist party sanctioned movie or an ISIS recruiting video...i'm not against the soldiers doing their job, that is to be commended, but no person in their right mind would willingly subject themselves to this horror, including the Japanese and Germans, unless they were manipulated against their wills by propaganda...

  • 10

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Saturday, December 10, 2016 4:09:46 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    You know, I think those who rate this zero stars have not seen this movie but are just disgruntled ignorant lefties who espouse eating grass and bark over chicken and beef. These people have their ivory tower opinions and know zero of our history and its heros.This was not a glorification of war; but the opposite.....We owe our freedom to brave young men and women and had we not had these heroes the disgruntled anti everything American few would be speaking Japanese on our West Coast and German on our East Coast and would be arrested/detained/put in camps for their very speaking out. Great movie.

  • 9

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Friday, December 9, 2016 10:02:15 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Thankfully this did not promote war as a wonderful thing. It showed the bravery and really stupidity of carnage by focusing on young American men who were just farmboys pretty much and Japanese youth thrown into an unwinnable situation. Yeah, there was blood and gore; but that is what war is. We owe our freedom to our Vets and this movie did not glorify war.....but only the common soldier we owe so much to.

  • 9

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Thursday, December 8, 2016 6:00:18 PM | (age group: 50 or over.) | F

    Graphic portrayal of what war really looks like. Very hard to watch sometimes, but I imagine much harder to go through. The world would be a lot better place if more people refused to carry of fire guns.

  • 9

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Wednesday, December 7, 2016 6:19:43 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Incredible movie! Saw it with my father and we both thought it was the best war movie we have ever seen. True story, so well done, such an incredible man

  • 1

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Tuesday, December 6, 2016 11:26:58 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    0 stars. terrible propaganda. go to the library and look up all the bombing victims in the last few years all over the world...see if you can stomach it. what is the purpose of this movie to be so manipulative? heading toward the apocalypse maybe? is that what we need in the world right now?

  • 9

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Tuesday, December 6, 2016 4:07:28 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    This was one of the best movies I have seen in along time. Thanks Mel Gibson for making this movie . I feel like I was right in the war with them on the screen. It was the best real life story told. I had tears in my eyes for all the guys that served in that war. I thought of my dad. He fought in Germany . He had got shrapnel in his leg. That he always had a limp. Now I know why my dad would not talk about the war, All that they seen during that time. Thanks for everyone who served or is serving now.

  • 10

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Tuesday, December 6, 2016 2:21:36 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    As a combat veteran this is truly graphic and deals with the issues that many soldiers question themselves before going into battle. This was based on a true hero that stuck to his beliefs and in no way was a coward. The man risk everything and was truly willing to lay down his own life for his fellow soldiers. .no greater love than that. War is never pretty and war movies shouldnt glamourize or sugar coat it. Too many kids playing xbox think life is a do-over..well it isnt. What this man did was incredible and he saved alot of men that would have surely perished had he not been there. The point of the movie is not to glamourize his faith but put yourself into his shoes for a few hours and ask yourself ould or would you have acted as bravely or.noble as this man did..i just wish i could have thanked him for his service and the lives he saved

  • 10

    Hacksaw Ridge

    Monday, December 5, 2016 2:28:11 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Great movie!