Greater Toronto Movies



Score: 9 / 10

Release Date: May 3, 2002
Director: Sam Raimi
Producer: Ian Bryce, Laura Ziskin
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, Rosemary Harris, J.K. Simmons, Elizabeth Banks, Ted Raimi, Octavia Spencer, Jack Betts, Ron Perkins
Genre: Action
Running Time: 121 minutes

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Spider-Man movie reviews

  • Spider-Man

    Tuesday, July 9, 2002 10:23:49 AM | (age group: 18-24) | M

    Spiderman was an excellent movie. It had all the right elements to make it the best movie I`ve seen in a long time. I really enjoyed how it gave the background of how Spiderman came to be. Too bad Batman could not have been made by these guys.

  • Spider-Man

    Tuesday, July 9, 2002 9:46:56 AM | (age group: 25-34) | F

    Its was the best movie i have seen in many years (well action movie). Tobey was fantastic, and i think it was the most difficult rule of his carreer because he cannot use his face for show all his feelings in every moment. It was better than the secuel of Star wars.

  • Spider-Man

    Tuesday, July 9, 2002 3:05:54 AM | (age group: 18-24) | M

    Can anybody tell me what is the differece between spider-man and soap opera?

  • Spider-Man

    Monday, July 8, 2002 7:54:16 PM | (age group: 2-17) | M


  • Spider-Man

    Monday, July 8, 2002 5:56:11 PM | (age group: 25-34) | F

    Too much computer graphics that wasn`t very good. All flying/swinging was sooo fake and obvious. Kirsten Dunst`s acting was really awful and over the top. They should have painted Willem Dafoe`s face green instead of using that awful Goblin`s mask. Spidey`s mouth never moves when he is talking under the mask. In other words, very disappointing movie to a really good comic. It had great potential but movie makers didn`t do it justice.

  • Spider-Man

    Monday, July 8, 2002 12:30:39 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    go and see this movie it sucks! i thought spidey was supposed to be cute!!!!

  • Spider-Man

    Monday, July 8, 2002 10:27:13 AM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    BEST MOVIE I HAVE SEEN IN YEARS... GET TO THE POINT Spideys cute great workout for Tobey Maguire! I cant wait till SPIDEY2hes still so young to play a teen!!!!!!!!1

  • Spider-Man

    Sunday, July 7, 2002 1:10:11 PM | (age group: 2-17) | M

    Very Good hope the sequel will be as good or even better!

  • Spider-Man

    Saturday, July 6, 2002 12:53:24 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    I thought spider man is a well put together movie. The movie is also very emotion. All the effects is believeable. But i think the best part of the movie is the ending, when he have to say no to Mary Jane. That he can`t love her.

  • Spider-Man

    Saturday, July 6, 2002 11:37:30 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    i think that spider man is the best movie i ever seen. it has romance, action and komedy. you just gotta love it!!! p.s. you just gotta love tobey maguire to!!!!!!!!!! dorothy