Greater Ottawa Movies

Hailey Rose

Hailey Rose

Score: 10 / 10

Release Date: Toronto, Calgary, Halifax
Director: Sandi Somers
Producer: Scott Lepp
Studio: Sphere Films
Starring: Em Haine, Kari Matchett, Caitlynne Medrek, Francine Deschepper, Riley Reign
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 93 minutes

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Hailey Rose movie reviews

  • 10

    Hailey Rose

    Tuesday, April 23, 2024 2:17:39 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    This movie was has all the feels. I laughed and cried and very much enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Nova Scotia! The cast fits the characters beautifully and I got a kick out of Rose and her quirkiness, along with the mother, Olga who you loved and disliked all at the same time. An all-around must-see Canadian movie.