St. John''''''''s Movies

The Green Knight

The Green Knight

Score: 4.19 / 10

Director: David Lowery
Producer: David Lowery, James M. Johnston, Theresa Page, Theresa Steele Page, Tim Headington, Toby Halbrooks
Studio: Elevation Pictures
Starring: Dev Patel, Alicia Vikander, Joel Edgerton, Sarita Choudhury, Sean Harris, Kate Dickie, Barry Keoghan
Genre: Fantasy
Running Time: 125 minutes

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The Green Knight movie reviews

  • 2

    The Green Knight

    Saturday, February 12, 2022 6:57:09 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Terrible. Don’t waste your time.

  • 9

    The Green Knight

    Saturday, December 11, 2021 11:19:58 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    A trippy, thoughtful film that really captures the weirdness of the legend. If you want to turn your brain off, skip it. But if you’re seeking a genuinely fresh movie experience, it doesn’t get better than this.

  • 2

    The Green Knight

    Thursday, November 11, 2021 7:43:28 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Stupid, stupid, stupid. Terrible plot, terrible acting, terrible scenes, etc. Don’t waste your time. One of the worst films I have ever seen.

  • 1

    The Green Knight

    Friday, September 24, 2021 6:47:31 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Time is more valuable than anything. This movie was really crappy value. A waste of time and money.

  • 3

    The Green Knight

    Saturday, September 18, 2021 2:18:07 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    This movie seems to have been designed for a small group of people who are familiar with the lore and/or are fairly artistic in nature. I could appreciate what was attempted but, because I'm not familiar with the lore/story, I found it very tedious with a disappointing ending. I understood the ending, but just wasn't enough to make me not regret watching. And by the way, movies tastes are subjective - people who bash people for liking or hating it are just conceded.

  • 10

    The Green Knight

    Sunday, September 5, 2021 12:40:09 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    This is a totally weird, fascinatingly bizarre mashup of chivalry-romance, action-adventure, fantasy, and mysticism. Writer/director David Lowry has turned the ancient Sir Gewain legend into a constantly mutating grand saga that, like its source, explores big questions about how (or if) free will and choice determine the direction of a person's life. Can humans direct their own fate, and if so, what constitutes a life well lived? Dev Patel is wonderful as the lead, and the rest of the cast, including Alicia Vikander pulling double duty as the two love interests, is superb. The artful cinematography of Andrew Droz Palermo is magical. The ever-changing musical score combining riffs on medieval chants, Wagnerian splendor, contemporary minimalism, and modern rock reminds the viewer that nothing in the film, or in life, is immutable. This is sophisticated filmmaking for serious moviegoers, and one of the best films of the year to date.

  • 7

    The Green Knight

    Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:22:11 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    At the top, this ain't an action movie. Beautiful cinematography, a great score, fantastic scenery, cool visual effects and good actor performances make this movie really nice to take in. Bit slow at times, and drags near the end. Though the actual ending was great I thought. This is a story based on an chivalric romance, which is to say a Knight's tale. Dev Patel seeks the honor of knighthood but finds the path twist in front of him. He has to reckon with his own flaws and with the consequences of his actions. It is a bit slow, it is sometimes hard to make out everything a character says. It is still in my opinion a dang good movie. The journey of the main character isn't glossy or sugar-coated. It is harsher and more twisted than that. What does it mean to be a knight and be virtuous? How does one accomplish this? Wrapped in fantasy elements is a very human story that kept me engaged. Recommend seeing this but take heed: you will find no action or excitement here. But you will find beautiful moments and shots that stick with you and a wonderful story that wraps up very well in the end. 4/5

  • 1

    The Green Knight

    Sunday, August 22, 2021 12:49:12 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Think…the last Jedi x10 = booooooring!

  • 1

    The Green Knight

    Sunday, August 22, 2021 12:44:20 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Unwatchable. Save your time and money.

  • 3

    The Green Knight

    Saturday, August 21, 2021 2:12:16 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    If you're familiar with the Arthurian legend, you can follow this --- about 1/2 way through. The the train goes totally off the track. The 2 people in the theatre with me got up and left. Maybe I should have too. D- flick.