St. John''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s Movies



Score: 8.52 / 10

Release Date: November 23, 2022
Director: J.D. Dillard
Producer: Molly Smith, Rachel Smith, Thad Luckinbill, Trent Luckinbill
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Starring: Jonathan Majors, Glen Powell, Christina Jackson, Thomas Sadoski, Joe Jonas, Nick Hargrove, Annett Renneberg, Simon Boer, Tomek Piotrowski, Sophia Littkopf
Genre: Action
Running Time: 138 minutes

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Devotion movie reviews

  • 7


    Friday, November 25, 2022 1:05:42 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Great story and a great film. The only problem I found with it was the lead character should be a likeable one. In this film he seems to be bitter and resentful. He keeps a record of everything negative anyone says to him, he thinks everyone is looking "down on him" and he wants his group leader to lie for him when he doesn't follow orders and then whines about it when he doesn't. It maybe truthful, since it is based on a true story, but it prevented me from identifying with the character.

  • 9


    Wednesday, November 9, 2022 12:55:09 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Amazing movie

  • 10


    Wednesday, November 9, 2022 12:54:52 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Amazing movie