Sunday, August 4, 2024 2:56:00 PM | (Age Not Specified)
Read the previous reviews. I was an R.N. for 45 years. My Nursing School sent their students off-site 4 Psychiatry. So I did 3 solid months living on the grounds in our building w/ many, many buildings, filled with folks who had a variety of mental issues. I was assigned to a locked ward, in a locked building, that required a key to enter and exit, to get on and then off the elevators, to get into any ward in that building, from the safest to the most disturbed patients. Then you had to unlock the door to get out and relock the door. And go back as you came in and it was your responsibility to do it correctly. I don't claim to be a shrink. I have seen and worked w/ many psyche patients. The end of the movie, I saw 1st, just cause. Then I watched the entire movie. My estimation is that Josh Hartnett has come into his acting chops. My 1st. impression? Wow! He looks great. ...and too smart, too wicked, too Happy! All from a few minutes there@ the end. This man/boy, in the movie, was too good@ truly, deeply, loving his little girl and his family and trying to help her get thru what we can only surmise was really traumatic 4 her. He walked as on Patrol, sighting every entrance/exit, every security person, then every cop& or State police, FBI and then each useful person, who might help him give his daughter a thrilling night, while getting them out w/o incident. Yeah, I had 3months w/real psychos, but my goodness, every person you see on a daily basis could be the next monster. So, all these folks who complained and posted lousy scores, are, well, babes-in-the-woods. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN AND YOUR ANTENNA CLEAR. Stay safe.