Chilliwack Movies

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Score: 5.67 / 10

Release Date: December 15, 2017
Director: Rian Johnson
Producer: Kathleen Kennedy, Ram Bergman
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Starring: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong'o, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern, Benicio Del Toro, Jimmy Vee
Genre: Action
Running Time: 152 minutes

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie reviews

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:48:48 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Another major disappointment was Leia's character as a whole. She doesn't get much screen time, and when she does it's weak, and ultimately pointless. She feels so much like a side character that she could've been removed altogether (which she should have been), and it wouldn't have made a goddamn difference to the story. Being yet another reason why Episode IX is royally f**ked, you know, having to figure out how to either sustain her or kill her off. The one decent thing I can say for this movie is that it's very pretty. It is hands down the most aesthetically pleasing Star Wars movie to date, but that doesn't help a film much when the story, characters, and even the ending are terrible. The Last Jedi takes everything The Force Awakens built up and says, "F**k it, we don't need it." Being a terrible segway episode and standalone episode. But at least it did it while being pretty, which is the only reason this film is a 1/5 as opposed to a flat out 0/5.

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:44:38 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    I’ve just described a huge amount of reasons why this movie doesn't deserve all the acclaim with never once mentioning my expectations or my general disappointment in the direction the director took the story. I believe this movie simply divides the casual and/or younger fans from the older and/or devoted fans. Casual fans and younger fans generally like or even love this movie because it tries so hard to NOT be a Star Wars film and it discards all preconceptions about what “Star Wars” is and was. Devoted fans and older fans generally dislike or even hate this this movie, not because it discards all their preconceptions and childhood heroes, but because it does it in such a ham-fisted way. It could even be argued that SOME of the director’s decisions were a middle finger to the “Star Wars Nerds” out there. I loved The Force Awakens. Saw it 5 times in theaters. I loved it because of Rey’s likability and her mysterious back story. I loved it because of Poe’s heroic story and his arc with Finn. I loved it because of Finn’s energy and his love for his friends, I loved BB8 and his ingenious droid design, I loved REN and his raw force power and his out of control anger, I loved the use of the lightsaber as a link/key to the answers we sought. I loved all of these things regardless of the inclusion of the classic characters. So I am not hung up on that aspect.

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:43:44 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Plot holes so big you fall through them: Gravity bombs in space, First Order went from ashes at the end of ep. 7 to “reigning supreme” at the beginning of ep. 8 (which literally picks up minutes later!), absurd space chase that was should have been easily outmaneuvered, airlock opens with no space vacuum moments after showing us people getting sucked out due to space vacuum, DJ somehow knowing rebel plans despite Finn and Rose not even knowing rebel plans, and on and on. TONS of lazy, pathetic and immature “gotcha” moments. (Leia is dead-GOTCHA x2, Luke astonished by seeing fathers lightsaber-GOTCHA, Luke is evil-GOTCHA, Rey is turning bad-GOTCHA, Kylo is turning good-GOTCHA, Poe is taking command-GOTCHA, Snoke is all powerful-GOTCHA, DJ is bad-GOTCHA, DJ is good-GOTCHA, Holdo is a weak leader-GOTCHA, Finn is going to die-GOTCHA, Luke duels Kylo-GOTCHA, Luke survives-GOTCHA... there are more but you get the picture. None of these moments are real plot twists, or irony, or in any way meaningful to the story. They are just cheap writing tricks to make audience feel stupid. Compare any of these moments to Vader telling Luke he was his father or that Leia was Luke’s sister. Those were true plot twists that profoundly effected the story and outcome. Those moments were true REVELATIONS where The Last Jedi is full of quick and cheap misdirects.

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:36:50 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    The Last Jedi is an awful movie. EVERYTHING that happens in the movie is awful. The "humor" is awful. the "story" is awful. The "plot" is full of holes. There is a completely waste of 45 minutes in a casino where "rich people r bad" and animals should be free message. NO STORY AT ALL. This is not Star Wars. This was SPACEBALLS or a Parody of a Star Wars movie. The "critics" got red carpet treatment and flat out LIED with giving high praise for this terrible movie.

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:35:19 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    This is what happens when Social Justice Warriors take over Hollywood as well. They keep are ruining sports, video games and now the most iconic franchise of all time! Can I just enjoy my childhood film and characters for 2 hours!?! I will not get into plot holes, etc. Other users have made it clear this movie only has Star Wars for name.

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:34:28 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    We all know that Carrie Fisher died last year, and so I assumed this one scene would be here end. But no... How? It is not explained and that is horrible. It feels so misplaced and awkward, it hurts. So she still lives in this movie, and on the other hand she is dead and nobody knows what will be with her in the next movie. This makes no sense at all. Lukes appearance in this movie should have been cut out. The way he is portrayed here makes absolutely no sense to his character at all. This movie is so full of "what the... why?" that it hurts. So I hope Episode 9 starts with Rey waking up, realizing she had a really intense dream and then the story kinda progresses. But like this? No. There was a building up - a tension in this movie where I really thought ok, she will become a sith and Kylo will become a jedi again. But no. And the end of.. Snoke? We don't even know who he is, and apparently he is dead now? or isn't he? This movie just makes no sense. I absolutely dislike how they treated die old characters in this "trilogy"

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:32:42 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    It seems like the movie was just one big head fake after another at the expense of making a movie that makes sense in the context of what came before. Its as if the director was so concerned with the criticism that the force awakens was just a retread that they decided to throw everything out the window whether it made sense or not. There were some of these surprises that I liked (especially the throne room fight). But overall I think this movie is a mess that destroys more than it builds. Worst of all the destruction has effectively eradicated my desire to see any more of the Disney Star Wars. I really enjoyed Rogue One and i thought The Force Awakens was ok. I even appreciated some aspects of the prequels. But this one just left me confused and disappointed. There is a Youtuber named David Stewart who has a few videos breaking down the issues with this movie (in a better fashion than I can). One of the points he made was that this movie has the aesthetic of a Star Wars movie but it does not have the heart of one. There is no heart here just window dressing.

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:32:19 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    I really wish they would have finished out episodes 8 and 9 before trying to reset everything. The last point I will make is that the writer/director seemed to go out of his way to subvert every expectation. While I like some surprises i wish they were tied to a better story. I couldn’t escape the feeling that I was being trolled throughout this movie. You expect to find out about Rey’s past? Nope!. You expect to find out how the first order came to be? nope! you expect to find out more about Snoke? Nope You expect Admiral Holdo to act rationally and explain the plan so people know they are not just waiting for a slow death? Nope. Who are the Knights of Ren? Nope! You expect Luke to not be a bitter old man who doesn’t care that his sister is in grave danger? Nope! You expect that Finn will retain some of the character growth he had from the last movie? Nope! You expect Finn to go out and sacrifice himself to save what is remaining of his friends? Nope! You expect Poe to not act like a complete ass twice? Nope! You expect this film to make sense given the existing canon? Nope!

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:31:28 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Many people have said there is precedent for Luke going into exile because both Yoda and Obi Wan did the same. I don’t buy this. In this film Luke just gives up and goes into exile to die. Obi Wan went to Tatooine to watch over Luke and try and make sure Vader/Palpatine didn’t find Luke. Yoda went to Dagoba to bide his time and see if there might come a way to undo what had been done. From my perspective they both still carried a spark of hope. Luke just gave up with little explanation as to why. Are you freaking kidding me!?!? ?The next point I will talk about is the overall tone of the movie. The writer seemed to go out of his way to make sure we knew the that all the stuff from episodes 1-7 does not matter from this point on. There were some serious nihilistic undercurrents here. He went out of his way to say it doesn’t matter who Snoke is. It doesn’t matter who Rey’s parents are. The Jedi origins and history don’t matter. By the end of the movie the resistance is basically decimated with 1 ship and about 20 people surviving. I get that Disney probably wants to reset things so they can take the series in some different directions but did they have to go out of there way to tear down just about everything that came before to do it?

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    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 9:30:58 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    While there are many critiques of some of the issues with this movie I will focus on a few that really ruined it for me. The 1st and biggest for me is the portrayal of Luke. in this move we are supposed to believe that Luke just gave up and went to some island to die because Ben Solo started to turn to the Dark Side. This basically undoes all character progression we see for Luke in episodes 4-6. This was just a leap to far for me and really pulled me out of the movie. i probably could have gone along with this plot point if they had spent some time developing this point. Instead all we got to support this was a few short flashbacks and some very short exposition. Maybe they could have cut the pointless Canto Bight stuff and spent some time here). One possible way this could have been down would be if Luke had been married and Ben Solo killed his spouse. I probably would not have liked this but I could have gone along with it.