St. Albert Movies

The Quiet Girl

The Quiet Girl

Score: 9 / 10

Director: Colm Bairéad
Producer: Cleona Ni Chrualaoi
Studio: Elevation Pictures
Starring: Carrie Crowley, Andrew Bennett, Catherine Clinch, Michael Patric, Kate Nic Chonaonaigh
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 94 minutes

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The Quiet Girl movie reviews

  • 9

    The Quiet Girl

    Wednesday, May 3, 2023 12:05:51 PM | (age group: 2-17)

    I've seen this film twice now and would gladly see it again if it were playing near me. It's a heartwarming, heartbreaking film with a bittersweet ending. Although the central character is a young Irish girl named Cait from a neglectful home, she's a tough little cookie who never lapses into tears or self-pity and never makes a play for the audience's sympathy. The film is beautifully shot and anyone seeing it will want to catch the next flight to Ireland. The ending is ambiguous but will linger in your mind long after the film is over. A great film which I can't recommend highly enough.