SherwoodPark Movies

The Red Turtle

The Red Turtle

Score: 2 / 10

Release Date: January 27, 2017 - Toronto, Montreal
Director: Michael Dudok de Wit
Producer: Toshio Suzuki
Studio: Sony Pictures Classics
Starring: Barbara Beretta, Tom Hudson, Emmanuel Garijo, Maud Brethenoux, Elie Tertois, Baptiste Goy, Axel Devillers, Mickaël Dumoussaud
Genre: Animation
Running Time: 80 minutes

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The Red Turtle movie reviews

  • 2

    The Red Turtle

    Tuesday, March 28, 2017 5:56:27 PM | (age group: 50 or over.) | F

    I felt like this was a very bad movie as it has lots of evolution connotations. I took my granddaughter to see it and she had a lot of questions. We were the only ones in the theater so I spoke out loud and explained the Christian view of the movie. The Christian view is that turtles will always be turtles and people will always be people and that is the way God made it. The best part was the sand crabs and the baby turtles.