Sherwood Park Movies



Score: 5.48 / 10

Release Date: July 17, 2015
Director: Judd Apatow
Producer: Barry Mendel, Judd Apatow
Studio: Universal Pictures
Starring: Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Brie Larson, Colin Quinn, John Cena, Vanessa Bayer, Mike Birbiglia, Ezra Miller, Dave Attell, Tilda Swinton, LeBron James
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 125 minutes

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Trainwreck movie reviews

  • 8


    Tuesday, August 18, 2015 10:58:23 AM | (age group: 50 or over.) | F

    I wasn't sure about going to see it as not big on super crude movies, however, it was hilarious.....and surprisingly great acting

  • Trainwreck

    Friday, August 14, 2015 5:49:09 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    For a comedy, it wasn't remotely funny. I also found the female lead quite revolting; leave this sort of shtick to Melissa McCarthy.

  • 9


    Friday, August 14, 2015 4:47:21 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    I like this movie and I like Amy. I found the reviews are very controversial, it's either love it or hate it. In fact quite surprised that many people got offended, it is almost fifty/fifty between 1 star & 5 stars. Chilled out, guys! This one is a comedy, why so harsh? Just enjoyed it!

  • 1


    Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:30:40 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    The commercial was funnier than the movie. The people that make commercials should actually make the movie as they know how to make boring seem to be a funny movie. I was duped by the trailer to think it would be fun.

  • 3


    Wednesday, August 12, 2015 10:41:39 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Not sure if all the values were given justice. But OK to see.

  • 9


    Sunday, August 9, 2015 9:22:21 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Absolutely hilarious! Could not stop laughing. Should warn about the highly adult themes (sex, alcohol, etc.)

  • 10


    Sunday, August 9, 2015 7:18:08 PM | (age group: 35–49) | F

    Amy is a brilliant writer. We laughed all the way through.

  • 9


    Sunday, August 9, 2015 7:16:06 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    Great movie! Funny!!

  • 10


    Sunday, August 9, 2015 7:15:06 PM | (age group: 25-34) | F

    Not only was this movie smart and witty but it was believable in todays crazy dating scene...had a good message.

  • 10


    Sunday, August 9, 2015 7:11:30 PM | (age group: 25-34) | F

    Very entertaining! We loved it!