Red Deer Movies

The Hateful Eight

The Hateful Eight

Score: 4.72 / 10

Release Date: December 25, 2015 - Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver
December 31, 2015 - wide
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Producer: Richard Gladstein, Richard N. Gladstein, Shannon McIntosh, Stacey Sher
Studio: Entertainment One
Starring: Kurt Russell, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Roth, Bruce Dern, Keith Jefferson, Belinda Owino
Genre: Western
Running Time: 182 minutes

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The Hateful Eight movie reviews

  • 2

    The Hateful Eight

    Thursday, January 7, 2016 8:47:31 AM | (age group: 35–49) | F

    The plot/ useless use of the N-word. Qaurintino had marginally made it with Django and now to go back and try again..smh. he's either a fool or a closet racist to attempt this type again. Samuel Jackson should've never starred in this movie. I am glad no nudity was shown.

  • 8

    The Hateful Eight

    Wednesday, January 6, 2016 9:17:05 AM | (age group: 35–49) | M

    This is a good movie. The story was well crafted. Movie is just a little bit long for the story. Action was great. Samuel Jackson delivery again on his role. Kurt Russell was the best character in this movie by far.You have to understand the director to understand the style and type of movie this is. For using the N word. It wasn't enough. Got to look at the time in history. Back then that what most of the white folk call the black folk. So if people get offend by it and don't understand why the word is there. Go check or read on history. It is word they use back then.

  • 1

    The Hateful Eight

    Wednesday, January 6, 2016 8:50:48 AM | (age group: 50 or over.) | F

    My husband and I left after the first hour or less. Use of the "n" word was not necessary and was to long drug out!!! IT WAS SOOO STUPID AND a waste of our money if we had not gotten a refund!!! ABSOUTELY HORRIBLE!!! DO NOT GO SEE IT!!!

  • 1

    The Hateful Eight

    Tuesday, January 5, 2016 12:29:25 PM | (age group: 35–49) | M


  • 1

    The Hateful Eight

    Tuesday, January 5, 2016 12:26:28 PM | (age group: 35–49) | M

    Terrible !!!!!!!

  • 2

    The Hateful Eight

    Monday, January 4, 2016 3:44:12 PM | (age group: 25-34) | M

    way over the top and historically so far incorrect, or PC. A waste of 10.00 and 2 hrs

  • 8

    The Hateful Eight

    Monday, January 4, 2016 11:36:59 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    I liked it. It had a good ending. My criticism of the movie is that it was too long. I think the story could have been just as good if the movie was two, two and a half hours long.

  • The Hateful Eight

    Monday, January 4, 2016 9:55:08 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    I was quite disappointed while watching this movie. It was a big puzzle that very slowly comes together. Boring and developed a headache towards the end. Most of the movie takes place in the haberdashery. Way too long of a movie. Can't understand for the life of me why Quentin felt he had to put the scene about the naked cowboy licking his johnston. Unnecessary, it seemed to me that it was used as filler. Seriously. Why bother.

  • The Hateful Eight

    Monday, January 4, 2016 9:34:12 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Horrible acting, lousy movie

  • 2

    The Hateful Eight

    Monday, January 4, 2016 2:30:59 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Tarantino delivers a slam-bang, shoot 'em up monster of a movie!