Oakville Movies

Oakville Movies

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Score: 9 / 10
Released: November 15, 2002
Director: Chris Columbus
Producer: David Heyman
Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Kenneth Branagh, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Richard Griffiths, Richard Harris, Jason Isaacs, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Julie Walters, Toby Jones, Bonnie Wright, Christian Coulson
Genre: Fantasy
Length: 160 minutes

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Overview

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their second year.

Frightening messages begin appearing on the walls on the school's corridors, saying that the "Chamber of Secrets" will be re-opened. Harry and his friends are curious, and try to discover what it all means. They discover "Moaning Myrtle," the ghost of a former student who now haunts one of the girls' bathrooms. Through her, Harry discovers a diary with the name Tom Marvolo Riddle. The pages are blank, but when Harry writes in it, responses appear magically. The diary also allows him to see Hogwarts in earlier times, when Hagrid, the current groundskeeper, was a student. The diary shows Hagrid being blamed for opening the Chamber of Secrets.

Meanwhile, students whose parents are Muggles (non-magical people) are petrified, one at a time, and Hermione is one of them. Harry is more determined than ever to find the Chamber of Secrets so he can save his friend.


Click on a number to locate your theatre on the map below

1  Cineplex Cinemas Winston Churchill 2081 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, (905) 829-2009
Thu 6:30  

Showtimes in theatres in a 60kms radius of Oakville, ontario

Click on a number to locate your theatre on the map below

2  Cineplex Cinemas Vaughan (39.91km) 3555 Highway 7 West, Vaughan, (905) 851-1001
Wed 3:30  
Thu 6:30  

3  Cineplex Odeon Eglinton Town Centre Cinemas (45.53km) 22 Lebovic Avenue, Scarborough, (416) 752-4494
Thu 6:10  

4  Galaxy Cinemas Guelph (49.09km) 485 Woodlawn Road West, Guelph, (519) 763-9188
Thu 6:30  

5  SilverCity Burlington (14.82km) 1250 Brant Street, Burlington, (905) 319-8677
Thu 7:15  

6  SilverCity Richmond Hill (48.54km) 8725 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, (905) 709-8755
Thu 6:30  

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