Toronto Movies

Toronto Movies

Downtown 81

Downtown 81
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Released: July 13, 2001
Director: Edo Bertoglio
Producer: Maripol Maripol
Cast: Saul Williams, Jean Michel Basquiat, Anna Schroeder, Giorgio Giomelsky, Marshall Chess, Danny Rosen, Daniela Morera, Lisa Rosen, Steve Mass
Genre: Drama
Length: 71 minutes

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Downtown 81 Overview

The film is a day in the life of a young artist, Jean Michel Basquiat, who needs to raise money to reclaim the apartment from which he has been evicted. He wanders the downtown streets carrying a painting he hopes to sell, encountering friends, whose lives (and performances) we peek into. He finally manages to sell his painting to a wealthy female admirer, but he's paid by check. Low on cash, he spends the evening wandering from club to club, looking for a beautiful girl he had met earlier, so he'll have a place to spend the night. Downtown 81 not only captures one of the most interesting and lively artists of the twentieth century as he is poised for fame, but it is a slice of life from one of the most exciting periods in American culture, with the emergence of new wave music, new painting, hip hop and graffiti.


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