Goderich Movies

Goderich Movies


Score: 7.25 / 10
Released: May 18, 2018
Director: Sebastián Lelio
Producer: Ed Guiney, Frida Torresblanco, Rachel Weisz
Studio: Mongrel Media
Cast: Rachel Weisz, Rachel McAdams, Alessandro Nivola
Genre: Drama
Length: 114 minutes

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Disobedience Overview

Ronit Krushka (Rachel Weisz), a non-practicing Orthodox Jew, returns home to London, England when her father, a rabbi, passes away. Once shunned by the Jewish community for having had a relationship with her childhood friend Esti Kuperman (Rachel McAdams), Ronit is greeted with surprise, as people wonder what she's doing back in town, since even her own father disowned her.

When Ronit runs into Esti, who is now married, they realize they still both have feelings for each other.

Based on the debut novel of the same name by Naomi Alderman.


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