Goderich Movies

Goderich Movies

American Heist

American Heist
Score: 4.2 / 10
Released: July 24, 2015
Director: Sarik Andreasyan
Producer: Georgy Malkov, Gevond Andreasyan, Sarik Andreasyan, Tove Christensen, Vladimir Poliakov
Studio: Mongrel Media
Cast: Adrien Brody, Hayden Christensen, Jordana Brewster, Tory Kittles, Aliaune "AKON" Thiam
Genre: Action
Length: 94 minutes

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American Heist Overview

Hoping to get a small business started, James (Hayden Christensen), a young man with a troubled past, can't get a loan. His brother Frankie (Adrien Brody), who still lives the life of a criminal, introduces James to his new friends. They trick him into being the driver while they pull of a heist without his knowledge.

Now that James is involved, albeit inadvertently, Frankie's criminal accomplices threaten to expose him and harm his loved ones unless he joins them in a high-stakes bank robbery.

  Canadian Connection: Filmed in Toronto. Hayden Christensen and several other cast members are Canadian.


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