St. John''''''''s Movies

St. John''''''''s Movies

Nine Days

Nine Days
Score: 3.33 / 10
Released: August 13, 2021
Director: Edson Oda
Producer: Datari Turner, Jason Berman, Jason Michael Berman, Laura Tunstall, Matthew Linder, Mette-Marie Kongsved
Studio: Mongrel Media
Cast: Winston Duke, Zazie Beetz, Bill Skarsgård, Benedict Wong, Tony Hale, Arianna Ortiz, David Rysdahl
Genre: Drama
Length: 110 minutes

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Nine Days Overview

In a parallel dimension, souls who have never lived before go through a nine-day process in which they undergo psychological tests and questioning. If they pass, they're given the amazing opportunity to be born and experience life.

Will (Winston Duke) is an interviewer who speaks to each of the souls. He also monitors the activities of several dozen humans in the real world via video screens. When one of his humans dies, he has to choose the next soul to be born by determining which of them would be best suited for life on Earth.


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