St. John''''''''s Movies

St. John''''''''s Movies

The Hidden Life of Trees

The Hidden Life of Trees
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Released: August 27, 2021
Director: Jörg Adolph
Producer: Friederich Oetker
Studio: Mongrel Media
Cast: Peter Wohlleben
Genre: Documentary
Length: 101 minutes

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The Hidden Life of Trees Overview

Based on his 2015 bestselling book, The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben vividly describes his belief that trees are able to communicate with each other. From acres of trees all the way down to the ants that traverse the soil, the natural forests of our Earth are superorganisms teeming with life. Although mankind has taken away more from our forests' than it can give, the beauty of nature is that it will never be destroyed, as it will always recover itself. We just hope to be around when it does.

Winner of the Rob Stewart Eco Hero Award, VIFF 2020.


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