Burnaby Movies

Burnaby Movies

Hello, Love, Again

Hello, Love, Again
Score: 7.33 / 10
Released: November 15, 2024
Studio: Abramorama
Cast: Alden Richards, Kathryn Bernardo
Length: 120 minutes

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Hello, Love, Again Overview

After fighting for their love to conquer time, distance and a global shutdown that keeps them apart, Joy and Ethan meet again in Canada but realize that they have also changed a lot, individually.


Click on a number to locate your theatre on the map below

1  Cineplex Cinemas Metropolis 4700 Kingsway, Burnaby, (604) 435-7474
Sun 12:15 3:15 6:15 9:20  
Mon - Thu 12:30 3:15 6:15 9:20  

Showtimes in theatres in a 60kms radius of Burnaby, British Columbia

Click on a number to locate your theatre on the map below

2  Cineplex Odeon International Village Cinemas (8.94km) 88 West Pender, Vancouver, (604) 806-0799
Sun - Thu 12:55 3:55 6:50 9:05 9:45  

3  Landmark Cinemas 12 Guildford (15.27km) 15051 101st Avenue, Surrey, (604) 581-4218
Sun 12:25 3:20 6:15 9:15  
Mon 12:30 3:20 6:15 9:15  
Tue - Wed 12:20 3:20 6:15 9:15  
Thu 12:20 3:20 9:45  

4  The Landmark Cinemas 10 (7.51km) 390-800 Carnarvon Street F, New Westminster, (604) 549-9292
Sun - Tue 3:10 6:00 9:20  
Wed 6:40 9:45  
Thu 9:40  

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