Edmonton Movies

Edmonton Movie Listings

TELUS World of Science Edmonton

11211-142nd Street NW
(780) 451-3344
Edmonton, AB  T5M 4A1

Movie Showtimes

Showtimes from Monday March 3 to Thursday March 6

Ancient Caves 3D

Thu: 4:35

Antarctica 3D

Wed: 1:15


Tue: 10:45AM

Butterfly Journey

Mon: 9:45AM 2:20 3:30
Tue: 2:20 3:30
Wed: 10:45AM
Thu: 2:20 3:30

Cities of the Future 3D

Mon: 1:15

Dream Big: Engineering Our World 3D

Tue: 9:45

Extreme Weather 3D

Tue: 12:00

Great Bear Rainforest: Land of the Spirit Bear 3D

Mon: 10:45AM
Thu: 12:00

IMAX: Hubble 3D

Tue: 1:15

Journey to the South Pacific 3D

Mon: 4:35

Robots 3D

Mon: 12:00

Serengeti: An IMAX 3D Experience

Wed: 12:00
Thu: 1:15

Wings Over Water 3D

Wed: 9:45

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