Victoria Movies

Victoria Movie Listings

IMAX Victoria

657 Belleville Street
(250) 480-4887
Victoria, BC  V8W 1A1

Movie Showtimes

Showtimes from Tuesday March 25 to Thursday March 27

Arctic: Our Frozen Planet

Tue - Thu: 10:00

Arctic: Our Frozen Planet 3D

Tue - Thu: 3:00

Elephants: Giants of the Desert

Tue - Thu: 11:00AM 5:00

Elephants: Giants of the Desert 3D

Tue - Thu: 2:00

Space: The New Frontier

Tue - Thu: 4:00

Space: The New Frontier 3D

Tue - Thu: 1:00

The Trolley

Tue - Thu: 12:00 6:00

Wicked (PG)

Thu: 7:15

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